Spiritual Letter 67 - Outline & Summary Version            About Spiritual Letter 67
Title:  "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free".  From
Chapter 8
, Verse 32, of the "Gospel of John". Amen
Brief Summary:  The "Truth Will Make Us Free", if we will only accept the life and words of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and of God within Him, for this age, as a continuation and completion of the life and words of Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the"outside" of us, and of God within Him, over 2000 years ago, as the "Gift of God" for
our age, as the life and teaching of God for our age, as the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us.  Amen
Date Written and Posted:  February and March, 2005
Written by:  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to:  Mr. Ellis Thomas, a High School Classmate of Louie Beutler
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Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 67

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Here is Page 2 of 2 of another beautiful letter to a High School Classmate of this child, to a Mr. Ellis Thomas, with the earlier letter being "Spiritual Letter 66", "Thank You For Showing Us Your Faith & Trust In God" (www.SpiritualLetter066.homestead.com).

A dear brother who has recently demonstrated very strong faith and trust in God, and who is currently going through a situation in his life that allows him to be an example to all of us of his Iman, of his absolute, unshakable faith, certitude, and determination in God, in the truth that "Only God exists" within us, and in the truth that "God is One" within us.  Amen.

As always, this letter was written by this child sitting at the feet of God for our age, at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us, and is respectfully and humbly shared with each of you at this time.  Amen.

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Outline & Summary Version - of Spiritual Letter 67
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Outline - of Spiritual Letter (for Page 2 only)

Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 67

A.  "And The Truth Shall Make You Free" - if we will only accept the life and
words of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and of God within Him, for this age, as a continuation and completion of the life and words of Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of us, and of God within Him, over 2000 years ago (continued)

1.  Introduction - to page 2
2.  Today In Our Prayers - God Said Within Us All

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Text of Spiritual Letter:
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A.  "And The Truth Shall Make You Free" - if we will only accept the life and
words of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and of God within Him, for this age, as a continuation and completion of the life and words of Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of us, and of God within Him, over 2000 years ago, as the "Gift of God" for our age, as the life and teaching of God for our age, as the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us.  Amen (continued)
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1.  Introduction - to page 2

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most
Compassionate.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa
'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the
beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Ellis Thomas - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(Louie Beutler).

Here is Page 2 of 2 of "Spiritual Letter 67" for your review and consideration, and hopefully, for your reading enjoyment, and spiritual development.  Amen.
                                                                                          - go to "Outline"
2.  Today In Our Prayers - God Said Within Us All

So my dearest loving brother Ellis, as explained at the beginning of Page 01 of this letter, of "Spiritual Letter 67", while trying to send you Page 3 of "Spiritual Letter 66", two beautiful discourses came into the heart of this child, from God within us all, and we stopped all effort to send you page 3 of "Spiritual Letter 66", and we started to pray and just wait for clarity from God within us, about what to do next.

About what to do next concerning our sharing, between you and this child, about our sharing of the "Gift of God" for our age, of the life and teaching of God for our age, of the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now of
His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us.  Amen.

So we waited, and waited, and then the next day in our prayers that clarity came, from God within us all, and that clarity was experienced by this child as follows, which we now respectfully and humbly share with my dearest loving brother Ellis, and with all of your family and friends, if you like.

For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), within us, and God within Him, teach us,

          "In truth God is closer to us than our own breath". Amen.

Today In Our Prayers - God Said Within Us All

--- beginning of "Today In Our Prayers, God Said Within Us All" --------

          Send this new material to our dearest loving brother Ellis Thomas, and send it as
          a new Spiritual Letter, and give it the title, "And ye shall know the truth, and the
          truth shall make you free", which is what Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God
          within Him, told those who truly believed on Him, and God within Him, over 2000
          years ago, which is recorded as Chapter 8, Verse 32, in the "Gospel of John".

          Because only clarity will free you from your fate in this age, from the subtle
          "Sin of Righteousness" that you have all fallen into in your age, because what is
          now being sharing in these letters, between you and Mr. Ellis Thomas, is most
          certainly the truth of God for your age, which in truth is but a continuation of the
          "truth of God" in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), that Jesus (peace be
          upon Him), and God within Him, started to teach you over 2000 years ago.

          A truth which has come now into your age, as the "Gift of God" for the Children of
          God for this age, as the life and teaching of God for this age, as the life and
          teaching of His Holiness Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
          (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with
          each of Us), which in truth is the continuation and completion of what came
          before, over 2000 years ago, at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him) living in
          the world.

          The continuation and completion of the understanding of the "truth of you", & the
          "truth of God" within you, the understanding of the truth of the "Oneness of God
          and True Man" within you, that could not come to you before this age, because
          earlier you could not bear to hear it, a truth that earlier you were not ready to
          receive and apply it, but now you are.

          The understanding of the "Oneness" of God and True Man within you, of the
          "Oneness" of each of you, and of God within you, and of True Man within God
          within you, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, which is
          the nourishment of the Children of God for this age, the nourishment that they
          must receive and accept as their nourishment for this age, as the nourishment
          from God for the Children of God for this age, as the beast milk of God for the
          Children of God for this age.

          This is now their food for this age, not what was given as nourishment, as food,
          the Word of God in earlier ages to the Children of God in earlier ages.  What was
          given then, as nourishment, as the Food of God for the Children of God, is no
          longer sufficient in your age, for the Children of God for this age.

          May you all know, understand, and accept this truth of your life for this age, and
          start to act accordingly, start to draw your nourishment directly from God within
          you, and no longer try to get it from what now exists only on the "outside" of you,
          and no longer truly exists within you, as the nourishment of God within you, even
          it is seems to be Ok, even if everyone is eating it, even if this food makes you
          happy and you feel good and comfortable eating it.

          Because now, in this age, this food is no longer alive within you, it is no longer
          alive within God within you, now it is dead food, now it has lost its life and
          become something else on the "outside" of you.

          It is like trying to eat a picture of an apple, that is, one drawn by your mind and
          desire, an imaginary apple, rather than a real apple when you are truly hungry, for
          then the drawing will be of no real value in your life, even though it is very pretty,
          as are things we still try to use on the "outside" of us, like religious scriptures
          from the past, but are no longer directly connected to God within us, and to what
          God is doing within us, and as such, will no longer bring the required nourishment
          of God to your wisdom and to your soul.

          Allowing the wisdom surrounding your soul to do battle with the "enemy of your
          soul", with the "enemy of your soul" which is your current life of "selfishness", of
          "separation and differences", your current life of sin, of arrogance, karma, and of
          illusion, of desire for earth, women, and gold, on the outside" of you.

          Because now, in this age, you need to draw your nourishment directly from God
          within you, in order to overcome the enormous debt of birth that has overwhelmed
          you, in order to awaken your wisdom surrounding your soul so it can liberate your
          soul from your impure birth, and as "One with" your soul seek and find the "body
          of the soul", which is the light of your wisdom, the Nur Muhammad within you,
          that was placed by God on the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within
          you, in order to overcome the evil of your age, overcome the way evil has
          manifested and come to maturity in your age, which in your age has now become
          very difficult to do.
          Please know this now, and join in partnership with God within you, as "One with"
          God within you, for in this age, there is no other way to see God again, or to see
          Jesus (peace be upon Him) again, or to see any of the 124,000 Prophets,
          Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God again.  Amen.

          For in your age evil has now truly manifested itself as "man believing" that in
          ignorance of "who he truly is", of "where he truly is", and of "what is truly
          happening" in his life, as "separate from" God within him, as "separate from"
          each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within him, in this state,
          man now falsely believes that he is God.
          And the only cure for this evil for your age, for this horrible manifestation of evil for
          your age, for this very, very deadly illness in your age, is that, in truth, as "One
          with" God within him, in this state, man is God.

          Which is the only cure for this evil for your age, which if not destroyed and cured
          in this way, within at least one of you, very soon will cause the world to end, will
          cause the "outside" of all of you to be destroyed by at least one of you, will
          cause the world to destroy itself from within, will cause the world to literally

          For in truth True Man is "Oneness" as God is "Oneness", and as such True Man
          and God, and God and True Man, are in truth "One", are in truth the "Oneness of
          God and True Man" which in truth is God and True Man within us.  Amen.          

          And this, this "truth of you", and this "truth of God" within you, is what each of
          you must realize, understand, accept and join as "One with" for your age, in this
          way, letting "truth surrender to truth" within you, letting this happen within you,
          before you die to the flesh, if you are to become truly successful in your own

          And doing all of this, or at least truly joining with God within you to start it, before
          you physically die to the world that you currently see in your ignorance as
          existing on the "outside" of you, and before one of you prematurely destroys the
          "outside" of all of you, as this can also happen in your age.

          And with each of you starting on this final stage or step on the journey back into
          the "Oneness" of God within you, from which each of you in this age have come,
          by your accepting the clarity in this letter to you as coming from God within you,
          from God who in truth is "One with" each of you, not as coming from this child as
          someone who is "separate from" you.

          But rather please accept the clarity in this and in other letters from this child as
          "your own life speaking to you", as the Word of God for your age, as a clarity
          from God within you, as the true nourishment of your wisdom and your soul for
          this age.  A clarity from God within you that you must then decide to either
          accept or reject.
          And if you do accept it as coming from God within you, as this child has, and
          if you do then accept it as the "truth of you" and the "truth of God" within you,
          and in this way, if you let the "truth surrender to the truth" within you, like an
          apple seed does when it realizes its truths, accepts them, joins as "one with" the
          earth and geminates, and in this way, if you do the same and become "One with"
          the truths of you, again as this child has, then it will be of great value to you, as it
          has been for this child.  Trust Us on this one.
          For this child, who we have given the name "Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen", and in whom
          we are pleased, is in truth just trying to live his life correctly at the feet of His
          Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be
          pleased with Him), and in this way, is of great value to you, if you like, as are all
          of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us),
          also if you like, and as such does have the necessary clarity within His heart for
          these letters to be written, from "Us" to each of you, and not from him to you.
          Thanks be to God for that for this age.  Amen.

          So please accept this letter from this child, and the earlier one, and any to follow,
          if you like, as the nourishment of God for your age, for all of the Children of God
          for this age, as well as, please accept the life and teaching His Holiness Shaikh
          Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and
          of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), in the same way, also if
          you like.  Amen.

          In this way, please accept these "Words of God" for your age as a continuation
          and completion of what Jesus (peace be upon Him), and God within Him, told you
          over 2000 years ago.

          Please accept them in this way, as but a tiny, tiny, tiny example of the "Living
          Presence of God" within each of you, within all of you living in this age, if you only
          want it, if you truly want to again become "One with" God within you, but this
          time with an understanding of that "Oneness", so it will never leave you again.

          With you truly doing all of this, or at least truly joining in partnership with God
          within you to start to do this, before you physically die to the "outside" of you.

          And finally, please stop worshipping the "Words of God" from earlier ages as
          sufficient for your salvation, as they were only sufficient for the people in the age
          when they were given, when they came direction from God within them, to those
          people living in that age, coming to them from God within them, coming as both
          within them and on the "outside" of them, coming to them through one of the
          124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God.

          As this letter, and as the life and teaching of His Holiness Shaikh Muhammad
          Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His
          Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), have and will continue to come
          to each of you, as needed in this age, and as such, are now sufficient for you
          living in this age. You truly need nothing else in your age. 

          For example, please stop worshipping the words of Jesus (peace be upon Him),
          and of God within Him, from over 2000 years ago, as if they are all that you need
          to hear from God within you, before you die, because it is not so, it is not true.

          For these earlier words, even though in some cases they truly are from God, they
          are not sufficient to "get the job done", before you die, in your age, because this
          is the last age, and a very different age from previous ages, with different
          requirements from earlier ages, and as such, what "We" have sent for this age is
          also very different from previous ages, what "We" have sent for this age is without
          any veils, so each of you can see clearly the "truth of you" and the "truth of God"
          within you, and the true consequences of your actions, of trying to live on the
          "outside" of you as if you are "separate from" God within you.

          Not like in earlier ages when "We" veiled the truth to protect you from it, and from
          the consequences of your action, until you were ready to both hear the truth, and
          accept it, and by becoming "One with" it, before you die, correct yourself before
          you die, if you like, if that is the true intention of your life, and in this way, again
          become "One with" God within you.

          And in this way, this "Gift of God" for your age, is truly your last chance to "get it
          right" to "get the job done" before the world literally "self-destructs", and there is
          no longer any "outside" of you left to do this work within you.

          Also this letter is only the beginning of what must be said to you, and understood
          by you, in this age, and then either accepted or rejected by you, before the end of
          your age, which is not very far away.

          Please realize this without the slightest doubt for your age, and start to act
          accordingly.  Please try to do this, and God will do everything else.  Amen.

          And please realize that in most cases these earlier words from God were only
          your baby food, but that now in this age you have come to maturity in a very
          different way, having come to maturity on both sides of the isle, now you are of
          equal maturity in both heaven and hell, and in both good and evil, and what came
          before, as the "Word" of God, won't do the job, of finishing the work that God has
          started within each of you a very, very long time ago.

          The work of revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation
          of God within you, the work of answering the question asked of God by God
          within you, even before the beginningless beginning, the question, "Who am I?"

          Instead of these earlier words of God for these earlier ages, now each of you
          must take and become "One with" the words of God for your age, "One with" the
          words of God that are being given to each of you right now, starting with this
          letter, and with the life and teaching of His Holiness Shaikh Muhammad Rahim
          Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may
          God be pleased with each of Us).

          Coming as the "Word of God" for your age, as the life and teaching of God for
          your age, with each of you either accepting or rejecting them as such, of
          accepting or rejecting God as such for your age, accepting or rejecting the
          opportunity of becoming again "One with" God within you as such, of making
          God's life and God's word and God's teaching for your age, into your life, into your
          word, and into your teaching for this age, as the Light of God for your age, as
          Jesus (peace be upon Him) was over 2000 years ago, and in this way, with God
          becoming your soul, and with you becoming God's form for your age, as this child
          has done. Amen.

          And in this way, this is how you become "One with" God in this age, doing this,
          or at least joining in partnership with God within you to start to truly do this within
          you, before you physically die to the "outside" of you, and doing this in order to
          finish the only real work in your life, in all life, the only true work in your life, in
          any life, the work of accepting the "Gift of God" for your age, the life and teaching
          of God for your age, and through it, of again becoming "One with" God within you,
          and again becoming "One with" what God is doing within each of you, before you
          die to the flesh, the work of everyone and of everything living in this age.

          And doing this "Heart's Work" within you, as your only work, that is, doing this
          "Divine Work of God and True Man" within you, this work of the "Tree of God" and
          of the "Fruit of God" within you, by joining in partnership with God within you, and
          no longer "working for wages" on the "outside" of you in order to get into some
          illusory heaven on the "outside" of you, but rather, doing this "Hearts Work"
          within you, by directly worshipping or communicating with God within you, as
          "One with" God within you, as the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within

          Which is True Prayer within you, the Prayer within you where everything that has
          manifested within you, in your ignorance, must die within you, before you die to
          the "outside" of you, which includes everything within you that has come to life
          within you in your ignorance, other than God within you, and other then what God
          is doing within you, which is everything that you now see in your ignorance as
          existing on the "outside" of you, which is everything that now defines you as
          "separate from" God within you, as "separate from" each other on the "outside" of
          you, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within you.

          And all of this must die both within you and on the "outside" of you, before you
          physically die to the "outside" of you, and it must die not through your own
          personal efforts on the "outside" of you, with "you" as "separate from" God within
          you, but rather it must die through your personal relationship of "Oneness" with
          God and True Man within you, and with what They are doing within you, which is
          telling each others story within you, if you will only let Them, it must die within
          you with "you" joined as "One with" God and True Man within you, doing all of
          this before you die to the "outside" of you.

          It must happen within you by your directly receiving your nourishment for your
          wisdom and soul from God within you, by you directly receiving what you need to
          know and complete before you die, not by you just relying on what was sent into
          the world by God in earlier ages.

          For the work in this age, the work of each one of you in this age, is seeking,
          finding, accepting, and joining as "One with" the "Gift of God" for your age, for the
          Children of God for our age, as what God has personally sent to each of you, with
          God putting "His Gift" for this age, both within you and on the "outside" of you, in
          order for each of you to become truly successful in your age, in our own lifetime,
          if you like, if you truly want to become "One with" God within you, before you die
          to the flesh, to the illusory world on the "outside" of you.

          For the work is for each of you in this age to again become "One with" God within
          you, with an understanding of that "Oneness" within you, with an understanding
          of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, so that "Oneness" will never
          leave you again, so that you can then, after our physical death, spend eternity
          sharing that understanding with God within you, with you as "One with" God
          within you, and with God as "One with" You within Him within you.  Amen. 

          My dearest loving Grandchildren, Sons and Daughters, and Bothers and Sisters,
          This is God's Guarantee for your age. Please know this now without the slightest
          doubt, and start to act accordingly, before it is too late, before it is too late to do
          this in your own lifetime.  Please try to do this in your own lifetime, please step
          out in this direction right now, and try to do this in your own lifetime, and never
          look back. 

          Please try to do this in the time remaining for each one of you, which is always
          sufficient for each one of you, if you truly want it, and then God within you will do
          everything else.  This is God's guarantee for your life, for all life in this age.  May
          you all know this now, and at least try.  Only then will you truly find peace in your
          life, both now and later.  Amen.

--------------- end of "Today In Our Prayers, God Said Within Us All" ---------------

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This page was last updated on: March 10, 2005